Bespoke Strategies for Newsletter Growth


Tailored Guidance for Your Newsletter’s Needs


Every newsletter journey is different, and so are the strategies that help them thrive. That’s why I offer a range of bespoke strategy projects starting at $250, which are tailored specifically to where you are and what your newsletter needs. Whether it’s a one-hour, recorded Google Meet call to get you pointed in the right direction or a comprehensive editorial audit diving deep into your content and audience metrics, my goal is to provide you with the support that makes sense for your vision.

Some of the things we might cover:

  • A detailed review of your Substack setup and how readers experience your newsletter.

  • A powerful reader data analysis to give you a “gut check” on your newsletter pricing strategy to ensure you’re maximizing paid subscriptions.

  • Tailored editorial recommendations, outlines, and templates that help unblock your writing process and clarify your newsletter’s direction.

  • A roadmap for engaging your readers and maintaining a strong connection through essays, Notes, or email strategies.

How It Works: Each project is custom-designed based on your specific needs, goals, and challenges. We may start with something as simple as a one-hour call, or dive into a full editorial audit, depending on what feels most valuable for your next step. No two projects are the same, but all are designed to get you unstuck and moving forward.

Ready to explore what kind of strategy project is right for you? Share more with me about your newsletter goals in my custom interest form.

Resources for DIY Writers

The Reader Connection Blueprint

$25 — Unlock the secrets to understanding your audience with this comprehensive guide that helps writers of all kinds create detailed reader personas. Buy a copy here.

Essay Tune-Up

starts at $100/essay — Write for yourself, and let me edit for readers. Get expert eyes on your headline, subheadings, opening paragraphs, online formatting and SEO best practices. Not taking clients at this time.

Essay Coaching

Dependent on essay length; $200 - $325 — Get one-on-one guidance for the essays that are top of mind for you. Receive hands-on next steps to help your essays become their most resonant and compelling. Includes a review for clarity, effectiveness and audience connection. Not taking clients at this time.

The Editing Spectrum

$8/month or $60/year — Get relationally-driven and fresh approaches to writing every week in this newsletter. Discover reimagined marketing tools, insights into readers' online experiences and more. Become a 🌙 paid member today.