Amanda Bray Hinton

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The refugee crisis and abundance in America

photo by Sarah Bertness

I don’t know where we got the idea that we don’t have room for everyone.

I don’t know where we got the idea that we’re only really able to afford healthcare for some citizens.

I don’t know where we got the idea that we’re just not innovative enough to conduct business in an honorable way.

I don’t know where we got the idea that we don’t have room for people seeking safety and refuge.

I don’t know where we got the idea that people who love differently, think differently, act differently, worship differently from us must be silenced, pushed out or punished.

I don’t know where we got these ideas, but they are a direct attack on the abundance I know exists in the world.

I know there is abundance.

I know there is room for everyone.

I know it because the worst thing that someone different from me ever did was challenge my perceptions and help me grow.

I know it because there are innovative businesspersons who are running profitable companies AND paying everyone on staff a living wage.

I know it because even in our 1,433 square-foot apartment, we could give three to five people a place to sleep, meals to eat and fresh water to drink.

I know there’s abundance because I’ve seen it.

I’m so incredibly certain that when EVERYONE is welcome at the table, that’s when we open the door for abundance to show up and amaze us.